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Robert R. Leonhard, Pol/Mil wargame designer, educator, author

LTC(R) Robert R. Leonhard, Ph.D.  Robert is a principal professional

staff member of the National Security Analysis Department (NSAD) at the

Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.  He researches and

writes on matters relating to national security.  His recent publications

include “Visions of Apocalypse: What Jews, Christians, and Muslims Believe

About The End Times And How Those Beliefs Affect Our World” (JHUAPL 2010);

“The China Relief Expedition: Joint, Coalition Warfare in China, 1900”

(JHUAPL, 2008); “The Evolution of Strategy in the Global War on Terror”

(JHUAPL, 2005) and his doctoral dissertation entitled “Enlightened Defense:

The National Security Policy of Thomas Jefferson.” He recently completed

leading a study of capability gaps in the Asia/Pacific Theater and another

on interagency coordination at the COCOM level.  Dr. Leonhard wrote case

studies on Hizbullah and the PLO in support of JHUAPL’s “Assessing

Revolutionary and Insurgent Strategy Series.  He also edited and wrote

Undergrounds in Insurgent, Revolutionary, and Resistance Warfare—an updated

version of a 1963 work by the Special Operations Research Office.  In the

past several years, he organized policy games for the Office of the

Secretary of Defense and wrote policy papers that examine various foreign

policy challenges.  Currently he is leading an effort to renovate training

scenarios for USSOCOM and conducts training in the Joint Operational

Planning Procedure for Special Forces students.

LTC(R) Leonhard came to NSAD following a career as a United States Army

infantry officer.  He was a war planner and strategist, having graduated

from the Army’s School of Advanced Military Studies.  A veteran of the Gulf

War, he also has extensive experience in combat developments, and his

projects included robotics, anti-armor weaponry, and digitization.  LTC(R)

Leonhard also trained defense analysts for the CIA for five years before

coming to JHUAPL.

LTC(R) Leonhard has a doctorate in US History from West Virginia University.

He received masters degrees in international relations (Troy State

University) and military arts and sciences (US Army Command and General

Staff College), as well as a bachelor’s degree in history (Columbus

University).  LTC(R) Leonhard is widely published in military circles and

has authored three books on modern warfare, including his latest, The

Principles of War for the Information Age (Presidio Press, 1998).  His

recent articles include “Sun Tzu’s Bad Advice:  Urban Warfare in the

Information Age”, and “Factors of Conflict in the Early 21st Century”, both

published in Army Magazine.

(Last Updated 20 June 2012.)

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