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The History of Wargaming

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A Brief Chronology Of Wargaming

2000 BC    Age of Egyptian mural that depicts two men appearing to be playing an abstract wargame. Later evidence indicate Egyptian wargame called t’au.

600 BC    Likely age of oldest surviving complete abstract wargame.  Found in runes of Ur, an important Sumer city state, located in modern day Iraq.

1400s    Indian wargame Chaturanga  evolves into Chess. Earliest known Chess sets...

1811        Herr von Reisswitz, the Prussian War Counselor at Breslau invented the first “modern” wargame, i.e. a simulation game of combat - not abstract.

1857        General Moltke became Chief of Staff of the Prussian Army and ordered an increased use of wargaming.

1871        Prussian victory in Franco-Prussian War leads to imitation of Prussian military, including wargaming

1873        First publication in Germany arguing for the adoption of Free Kriegspiel, i.e. use of professional judgement to speed up adjudication

1878        Capt Philip Colomb, Royal Navy, patents earliest known naval wg

1879        Major W. R. Livermore, of the US Army Corps of Engineers publishes first set of wargame rules within the US. Army does not adopt.

1889        Through efforts of McCarty Little first wargame as part of US Naval War College curriculum.


1897        Major W. R. Livermore and McCarty Little conduct first Joint (Army/Navy) wargame.  Told by superiors to never do so again. 

1900        US Army War College founded, wging part of curriculum from start.


1905        Unofficial wargame conducted in England ends in a German victory over France before UK can intervene.  Seems to have influenced decision to enhance British readiness.


1912        Article by McCarty Little on wargaming published in the Naval War College Proceedings.  Still, one of the best papers on subject.

1914 April    Russian General Staff conducts wargame of their planned invasion of East Prussia. Adjudication indicates a Russian army would be destroyed approximately where it would be four months later, but plan not changed.      

1929        First wargame of the type later called Political-Military (PolMil) played in Germany.

1933        Wargame at US Naval War College indicates war with Japan will require 4 to 5 years, principally due to logistical restraints

1938        In an effort to persuade Hitler not to invade Czechoslovakia German Army Chief holds a wargame of the plan.  Outcome forecasts Pyrrhic victory that would leave Germany vulnerable to attack.

1939        Germany Army given so little notice for the invasion of Poland this was their only major operation in WWII NOT to be wargamed.

1940        Germany conducts four months of wargames to refine their plans for an attack on Holland, Belgium and France, they contribute to significant changes.

                German wargame of Operation Sealion, the German invasion of Britain, identified many difficulties and contributed to decision to cancel the invasion.

1941        Germany conducts wargame of invasion of USSR.  Called Operation Otto the wargame takes a unprecedented amount of time.

1944        Allied wargame of their invasion of Normandy indicate Allied success

                German wargame of Allied invasion at Normandy indicates Allied success.  Germany orders reinforcements. Two of three units arrive by D-Day.


1945        Combined US, UK, USSR wargame in Moscow indicated USSR attack on Japan was feasible an would be successful.

1958        First computerized wargame Navy Electronic Warfare Simulator (NEWS) becomes operational. Costing $7 million it takes up three floors.

1962        First civilian computerized wargame, Space War, programed by students at MIT

1964        Pol-Mil wargame of Vietnam conflict (Sigma II) played in basement of Pentagon.  Indicated an initial stalemate likely.

1981        US Army activates National Training Center at Fort Irwin, CA. Pushes envelope of live wargaming.

1984        Warrior Preparation Center opens, first Joint USAF/USA wargame center in Europe

                Tactual Training Group activated at Hurlburt Field, FL, AOC Wgs 

                Air Force Wargaming Center opens at Maxwell AFB, AL

1990        US makes extensive use of wargaming in preparation for Operation Desert Storm.  Most very useful, but they contribute to exaggerated casualty expectations.

1991        US wins Gulf War, widespread copying of US planning/training methods, including wargaming

1995        US Marine Corps modified the commercial computer wargame Doom to serve as a virtual wargame for a 4 Marine fire team.

2003 March    ARCENT (Army component of US Central Command) conducts a wargame of invasion of Iraq. Wargame indicates high casualties in Iraqi cities prompts changes Army’s plan.

2008        Pentagon begins developing a $130 million dollar virtual internet to allow live cyber wargames

For a more detailed chronology, Click Here.


wg = wargame

wging = wargaming

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