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While wargames vary greatly all include the basic three or four basic elements:

Blue Side/Team

This element consists of the friendly forces depicted in the wargame as well as the individual, team or staff that directs those forces.

Red Side/Team

This element consists of the adversary forces depicted in the wargame as well as the individual, team or staff that directs those forces.

Adjudication/White Team

This element consists of the resources and or individuals used to determine the net effect of both the Blue and Red decisions.  This element could consist of a panel of experts using their professional judgement to forecast outcomes,  a set of written rules and tables, or a computer program

Scenario/At Start Situation

Many believe there is a forth element in all wargames, the situation depicted by the wargame; the terrain, the issues/objectives of the conflict and other information that put the situation in context.

Other Elements

Particularly since the events of 9 September 2001 many individuals and organizations have argued that the traditional conflict between two opposing sides will be the exception, that future armed conflicts will insurgencies or similar struggles with multiple factions. Hence an increasing number of wargames have additional elements, such as a gray side for a neutral population.