about wargaming

What is a Wargame: A wargame is a simulation game depicting armed conflict. Read more...

Elements: All wargames include at least three basic elements: friendly forces - typically called Blue forces, opposing forces - typically called OPFOR or Red forces, and a method of determining the net effects of Blue and Red decisions - typically called adjudication.  Some also include a fourth element, the scenario or starting situation of the wargame. Read more...

Types: There are three types of wargames: constructive, live, and virtual. Depending on the application of the wargame any one of these types may be the best “fit” or the best solution may be to use multiple types. Read more...

Applications: Most wargames support one of three applications: decision support wargames which help users to develop strategies by suggesting insights into plausible outcomes of contemplated decisions, education and training wargames which can help users develop as strategists and/or practice specific (typically wartime) skills, and recreational wargames which provide their users with an enjoyable mental challenge. Read more...

ScopeA key motive for creating Connections was the observation that may wargame practitioners were unaware of other elements of the field.  Perhaps the reasons include the classified, even close-hold, nature of much of wargaming.  Perhaps the reasons  include the natural difficulty of individuals in one service to learn about the activities of other services.  Or perhaps the shere scope of wargaming makes it difficult to grasp the entire field.  Read more...

To Learn More: This site only scratches the surface of wargaming. Read more...