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The three principle types of wargames are:


In constructive wargames forces are represented abstractly. This is the oldest type of wargame. It includes chess and even earlier wargames. Today most constructive wargames fall into one of three types; terrane table wargames in which forces are represented by three demential models, map or chart wargame in which forces are represented by chits, and computer wargames in which forces are represented by icons on a computer screen. Most defense wargames used in professional military education an in the decision support are constructive wargames. Most commercially available wargames are also constructive.


In live wargames individuals and or units actually maneuver in ways similar to actual warfare. This is the second oldest form of wargame arguably dating to the Roman Colloquium and Medieval jousts. Modern live wargames are often called maneuvers and include the Air Force’s Red Flag and  most of the events at the Army’s National Training Center.  Commercially available live wargames include Laser Tag.


By far the newest type of wargame virtual wargames began in the 1980’s when an Air Force major proposed a project to the Defense Advanced Projects Agency (DARPA). His idea was to network existing flight simulators together to that the participants could fly against each other in a virtual battlespace.  In a few short decades virtual wargames have grown to encompass numbers similar to the live wargame Red Flag and has spread all the services and several other countries.  Some commercially available desk top flight simulators can also network into virtual battlespaces. 


It is also possible to have wargames that combine their three types.  For example in recent years the Army’s National Training Center (NTC)has begone to train entire Brigades.  However, even NTC is not big enough to fit an entire brigade in its live wargame.  So one of each brigade's maneuver battalions participate virtually, by getting into simulators at their home base.  It has been reported the Brigade HQ staff can not tell which reports are coming from the two battalions at the NTC and which brigade is participating virtually. Then to make the training of the brigade commanders and staffs even more realistic and effective virtual Blue and Red constructive forces are “deployed” on the brigade's flanks.